Hello apprentices and welcome to CGE’s annual treasure hunt—this time with the Little Alchemists theme!
Over the course of the next few days, you will be looking for clues around the PAX Unplugged halls, solving puzzles and riddles, and submit your answers for a chance to win some amazing prizes.
The hunt starts on this website and is running on Friday and Saturday of PAXU—and you may join any time before the last winners are announced on Saturday!
Hello apprentices and welcome to CGE’s annual treasure hunt—this time with the Little Alchemists theme!
Over the course of the next few days, you will be looking for clues around the PAX Unplugged halls, solving puzzles and riddles, and submit your answers for a chance to win some amazing prizes.
The hunt starts on this website and is running on Friday and Saturday of PAXU—and you may join any time before the last winners are announced on Saturday!
The winners of the hunt are drawn and announced Fri & Sat at 6:30 PM EDT.
You have time until 5:59 PM EST to submit your answers to join that day's announcements. After that, we'll start processing the answers.
Everyone who finishes the game in time is eligible to be included in a draw for these wonderful prizes:
Little Alchemists & SETI (our brand-new release)
Kutná Hora: The City of Silver
Lost Ruins of Arnak, Galaxy Trucker, and other CGE games...
…and also including games by our friends from HeidelBÄR Games
Make sure to check out the full rules of the hunt at the bottom of this page.
To make solving the puzzles easier, we’ve prepared pre-printed note sheets for you—you may find them right next to the first clue in the CGE room 203AB.
Make sure to bookmark this page so you don’t lose it during the hunt.
The hunt starts in
The contest is running from Friday, December 6 (9 AM EST) until Saturday, December 7 (5:59 PM EST). You can enter the contest anytime during this time.
Every participant can enter the contest only once.
The winners of the contest are drawn and announced every day of the hunt at 6:30 PM EDT.
The winners will be contacted via email. Make sure to look for the email from events@czechgames.com—check your Spam and Newsletter folders too.
Claiming your prize
You can pick up your prize until the following times:
SAT 10 AM (for winners announced on Friday)
SUN 10 AM (for winners announced on Saturday)
To claim your prize, you must come pick it up in the CGE room 235–239 until the specified time.
If you don't come pick up your prize on the morning after you've received the announcement email when you receive the announcement, your claim to the prize will be void.
Each person can only win one prize—once you've won a prize during this contest, you may not win a second time.
If you have any questions about the contest, you can stop by the CGE room (#235-239) and ask our staff.
Here be description
Please, fill in your email address below to submit your result.
You take your ladle, take a little sip and wait. Will the elixir work? For a short while, the elixir of success doesn’t seem to do anything, but suddenly…
You have just finished the hunt!
The elixir for success works! Right after taking a sip, you have successfully finished the hunt!
For some of you, this is not the only success the elixir will bring you today because you can enter our winners' draw for awesome prizes! So leave us your contact information and see whether the elixir does its job once more!
Are you sure you want to skip this puzzle? Skipping the puzzle moves you further in the hunt, but it lowers your chance of winning. You can see the solutions to the puzzles you skipped after the game is over.
You have finished the treasure hunt! We hope you had a lot of fun! We will let you know via email if you win. Your number is